Me in an abandoned office pretending to code
Welcome to my homepage My name is Keno and I Live in Nakano (Sunflower City). I currently am working at the SCOPE program (I'm also a subject of the program since 1985).
My hobbies include:

Photography - I have a Polaroid 700 Land camera and I like to take lots of photos with it. I like to take pictures of old buildings and junk.

Urban Exploring - Me and my friends like to go and look in old buildings. See my Urbex photos page for lots of pictures.

Collecting Coca-Cola stuff - I collect a lot of Coke merch, and especially Coke cans and bottles. I currently have over 50 limited edition bottled- Click here to see the ones I have.

Computers - I like to mess around with my computer and I help with computer stuff at work. I especially love making web pages like this one and I helped my friends make our urbex page here.

Movies - I like watching the newest movies and reviewing them! See my movie reviews here. My current favorite Movie is Jaws. I hope you’ll read some of my movie reviews on my page.
Coke animations!
Interworlds Urbex
Interworlds digi-fan